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The action of the game takes place on a special map of the city of 8 streets. There are 4 to 8 businesses on each street. The game session lasts from 30 minutes to 3 hours. On which a certain number of players are allowed (from 8 to 12). The mechanic principle remains as in PVE mode. You also open new buildings with businesses, assign a gangster there and improve them.
But everything is much more real, since the clashes will be with real players, their gangsters and the stakes are high here. So every player is ready to do anything to knock you out of the streets and become the sole farmer of all businesses.
As we know, the game is based on the real estate market, so a street is controlled by a part of the contract, on which there are buildings with different businesses (each with its own profitability and cost of farming).
For PVP mode, the player needs NFT gangsters and ST tokens. The minimum price of one business is 20 ST. And this is the minimum number of tokens that a player should have on his wallet before the start of the battle. To successfully capture the street, keep a few gangsters and tokens "in reserve" to pump them at the moment and get more tokens from the business.
Before the start of the game, all buildings are free and it is easier to capture them than when they are occupied by other players. Buildings are part of a smart contract. They have their own profitability. In order to start farming income, you need to upload tokens through your wallet to the captured business. After that, the player begins to receive income from this building in ST tokens.The rules of autopickup are still the same. You need to assign your gangster to the business in order to receive an auto-pickup. Tokens are awarded every 30 seconds in the form of a scrolled circle above the business. The player quickly clicks on these coins and after that, income is credited to his wallet. This is the farming clicker. But also, this building can be captured by another player. To do this, he arranges a battle. If your gang is strong enough, then you can easily repel the blow.
But if the gangsters of the opposing players turned out to be stronger, then the Business comes under their control.In the battle for business, the winning player loads tokens into a smart contract and they are credited to the losing side. Thus, the former owner does not lose tokens, and what he managed to accumulate is his profit.