The number and cost of gangsters
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Number of NFT gangsters releasedThe total number of NFT gangsters will be 5000 pieces
2800 pieces at a price of $ 35
These gangsters will have initial characteristics that will be randomly distributed for its balance. These gangsters are available to upgrade from level 0.
Income of 4 ST tokens
700 pieces at a price of $ 55
These gangsters will have enhanced characteristics that will be available for improvement immediately from level 7. Much stronger in x-kam.
Income of 4 ST tokens
Gangsters in Street Boss have a reserve of stamina to fight for ST tokens, depending on the rarity of gangsters and the level of pumping. In the mode of battles, auto-collecting tokens, completing missions, the gangster spends his endurance resource and has a limited amount.
A gangster's stamina affects the amount of activity in the game. The higher the gangster's stamina, the higher the cost of replenishing stamina.
In total, there will be 1200 simple gangsters in the number, which will be divided into two groups by price category
900 pieces at a price of $ 100
These gangsters will have increased characteristics by 1.5 times in comparison with simple ones. Along with this, gangsters will have 1 of 3 random skills.
Income of 5 ST token
400 pieces at a price of $ 150
These gangsters will have increased characteristics already by 1.8 times and at the same time the player gets the opportunity to choose 1 of the 3 skills that the gangster will have.
Income of 5 ST token.
There will be 300 simple gangsters in total, which will be divided into two groups by price category
200 pieces at a price of $ 250
These gangsters will have increased characteristics by 2 times. Along with this, gangsters will have 2 skills with increased hacks.
Income of 6 ST token
100 pieces at a price of $ 300
These gangsters will have increased characteristics by 2.2 times. At the same time, the player will be able to choose 2 necessary skills for his gangsters
Income of 6 ST token